And Horny is not a popular dwarf
Reminds me of a joke a once heard:
The seven Dwarfs visit the Vatican and get to meet the Pope. So they all get a turn to ask the Pope a question. Finally it's Dopey's turn so he asks the Pope:
"Are there any dwarf nuns here at the Vatican?"
The other Dwarfs start snickering silently. The Pope tells him no. So he asks:
"What about elsewhere in Rome and in Italy - are there any Dwarf nuns?"
Again the other dwarfs snicker this time a little louder as the Pope again tells him no. Finally he asks the Pope:
"What about elsewhere in the world? Are there any dwarf nuns anywhere at all on the planet?"
The Pope again tells him that there are absolutely no dwarf nuns anywhere and he's sure of it. All the other Dwarfs now burst out in loud laughter and they start to chant, school-yard style:
"Dopey f**ked a penguin!
Dopey f**ked a penguin!
Dopey f**ked a penguin!"